Canadia Bank opens its second Smart Branch near Institute of Foreign Languages (IFL)

Canadia Bank, one of Cambodia’slong-established and largest commercial banks, has officially unveiled itssecond Smart Branch named “IFL Smart Branch” on March 18, 2023. The opening of IFLSmart Branch is part of Canadia Bank’s digital transformation journey to expandits Branch network and adopt cutting-edge technology to make banking moreconvenient for the customers. The new Canadia Bank IFL Smart Branch is locatedat No. 132 & 134, Russian Federation Boulevard, Sangkat Tuek Lak Ti Muoy,Khan Tuol Kork, opposite IFL and the Royal University of Phnom Penh compound.

Withmore than 32 years of presence in the Kingdom's financial market, Canadia Bankshows strong performance year-on-year and remains resilient. With its healthyand strong financial strength position, the Bank is one of the market leadersthat contributes to country’s economic development and is continuouslyinvesting on digital solutions including the expansion of Smart Banking in itsBranch network.

The IFL Smart Branch is Canadia Bank’s 67thbranch and offers full-banking services equipped with the latest self-servicedigital banking devices. It serves the Bank’s customers across demographics, includingindividual, SMEs, women entrepreneurs, store merchants, and corporate customers.Moreover, the IFL Smart Branch’s location is also strategically surrounded bydifferent universities that makes Canadia Bank’s financial products andservices more accessible to the students.

To provide customers with safe and convenientbanking services, IFL Smart Branch has several self-service digital devices,such as Virtual Teller Machines, Cash Recycling Machines, Smart Card-IssuingMachines, and ATMs. Customers can perform many self-banking services includingopening their own bank account seamlessly through Virtual Teller Machines, guidedby an online Customer Service Officer. With the Smart Card-Issuing Machine,customers can have their debit cards issued within minutes all by themselves.The Cash Recycling Machine provides the flexibility of withdrawing anddepositing cash and cheque anytime. The ATM, Smart Card-Issuing, and CashRecycling Machines are available to customers 24/7 from Monday to Sunday.

In addition, customers can also explore thefull-banking services offered by IFL Smart Branch. The experienced customerrelationship officers are ready to consult with them on their banking needs.These include opening savings accounts, applying for personal, mortgage, or businessloans, credit cards, or signing up for digital payment systems such as POS orKHQR, and many more.

Mrs. Song Khenglay, Canadia Bank’sExecutive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer, presided over the grandopening of Canadia Bank IFL Smart Branch. In her remarks, she highlighted thatthe customers are the center of Canadia Bank’s digital transformation.

“Canadia Bank is delighted to unveil our 67thbranch in IFL Smart Branch. This is our second Smart Branch, the first SmartBranch at Saen Sokh was opened in October 2022. The opening of Smart Branchesis aligned with our Digital Transformation strategy to bring the best products,services, and digital solutions to our customers while expanding our footprintacross Cambodia at the same time.”

She added, “We would like to thank ourcustomers, colleagues, business partners, and Regulators for their continuedsupport, trust, and confidence with Canadia Bank. We encourage the students,universities’ personnel, and all of our customers nearby to visit our IFL SmartBranch and experience the ease of self-service banking through our digital devices,”she added.  

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