Personal Loan

Reach your financial goals and needs with Canadia Bank's Personal Loan.
Features and Conditions
Interest rate per annum 16% for loan term from 1 year to 3 years
18% for loan term greater 3 years to 5 years
Loan amount Maximum up to KHR 80,000,000
Repayment method Monthly Principle Plus Interest
Loan term From 12 Months to 60 Months
Bank service charge 3% Upfront
Pre-payment charge - 3% on the early settle amount in part or in full if early settlement during half of loan tenor (not more than 24 months), 1% thereafter if no any notice 30 days in advance before early settle in part or in full.
Late Payment Charge 27% p.a on monthly installment amount
Loan Repayment Schedule Print at Bank Office (Can not Download​ from​ Canadia​ Mobile)
Loan Disbursement Automatic​ disbursement​ to​ a​ single​ personal​ account​ used​ to​ get​ salary​
Loan Recall
  • When​ MOU​ between​ organization​ and​ CNB is​ canceled
  • When​ borrower​ resigns​ from​ the​ current​ employer
  • When​ borrower​ moderately​ breaches​ loan​ agreement​ terms​ and​ conditions
  • When​ the​ organization​ stops​ disbursing​ salary​ through​ CNB Bank
  • - Valid National ID card/passport
  • - Government Official ID card
  • - Family book/residential book
  • - Guarantor and Sovannaphum life insurance coverage will be applicable if required

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